"Tautes Heim" wins the Ferdinand-von-Quast-Medal 2013
show/hide textIn addition to the "European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Award" that Taut's Home received in June 2013, we also received the Berlin Monument Award later the same year. This tribute is issued by the Senate of Berlin. It is not financially endowed and will be handed over as part of a ceremony held in the town hall of Berlin end of 2013. The award is officially entitled "Ferdinand-von-Quast-Medaille" and was named after the first Prussian State Minister for Monument Preservation. The focus lies on the accurate research and restoration we carried out in order to create Taut´s Home, but also reflects other aspects of our long-time engagement for the preservation of the Horseshoe estate including the co-foundation of a private association, the conception and creation of a website database for the communication of heritage strategies and various efforts to regain the original design of the public greens and typography in the estate.
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