Just released: Architectural guide book "Bruno Tauts Hufeisensiedlung"

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2015, after years of guiding delegations and our guests through the estate and having performed a number of monument protection projects Katrin and Ben, the landlords of Taut's Home released the bilingual book "Bruno Tauts Hufeisensiedlung" The handy travel guide features 150 images, plans, historical and contemporary photographs. It provides insight into architecture, con­struction and social history and presents the most important architects, planners and residents. Besides the Horseshoe estate the book – which is also based on Katrins research – presents portraits of the other five estates that belong to the UNESCO World heritage and includes recommendations for trips to other housing projects by Bruno Taut in Berlin. The book is sold out, but we still have a few copies for our guests left ...

Ben Buschfeld
German + English (in one edition)
144 pages, 13 x 21 cm, €16,95
154 images, including 18 maps
Berlin, 2015 – ISBN 978-3-89479-923-6

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